If you own a store, do you know how to properly advertise and market to your consumer base and other consumers walking past your store? There are so many ways to get the attention of shoppers, but you have to be proactive about it. You can?t simply set up your storefront and hope the customers come. Instead, you need to look at all the different options to strategically market and advertise so that you can develop a dependable consumer base. That way, you can expect a certain amount of annual revenue from recurring consumers while also building a new consumer base through more advertising.
Interested in learning more about how to advertise your store through display stands, free standing signs, custom retail displays and more? Keep reading for more information on all the different marketing strategies that could work in your favor.
4 Marketing Options that Catch Consumers? Attention When They Pass By
You can have the best products in your store for sale. If you can?t get consumers to enter your store, though, it won?t matter. They can?t buy the products if they aren?t compelled to walk into your store and look around at what?s available. Here are four different marketing strategies to catch a potential customer?s attention when they pass by your store or quickly stop inside.
1. Retail display signs
A great way to get the attention of a shopper is by using free standing signs and glass door signs outside your store. That way, if a consumer is walking by or on their way to shop at a different store, they are still exposed to your store and its products. In fact, when people are shopping, 16% of the purchases they make are often due to signs that encouraged them to make a purchase they wouldn?t originally have made, according to a 2014 Mass Merchant Study. Even if the display signs don?t focus on a specific product, the name of your store could be all the consumer needs to come inside and look around your store.
2. Picture display stand
Outside your store or inside the entrance, using a picture display stand could also encourage customers to make purchases. While a display sign with the name of your store is a good start, a picture display stand that also features your services or products may bring in even more consumers. When it comes to your merchandise, it is more likely to get sold if there is a sign of some sort with it or throughout the store. In fact, 18% of the time merchandise sells if there is a sign related to it. That?s one reason why adding a simple picture display stand in a few areas throughout your store can make all the difference in sales.
3. Avoid commercials and focus on creative retail display ideas
You may be tempted to stick to older advertising methods like commercials for TV and radio. However, commericals are often costly and may not bring in enough revenue to make it worthwhile. For example, a commercial averages around $4 to $7 dollars if you want it to last for 30 seconds. A creative sign or stand like a picture display stand or an acrylic door sign holder can cost much less. They tend to put you back 3 cents to 37 cents and can catch the attention of consumers for over a year successfully.
4. Product stand display
Once you have spent some money on lower cost marketing items like a picture display stand and display signs, start investing in product stand displays. These will allow you to put your best products on display so that consumers are sure to see them outside the store or inside the store. Once the consumer is in the store and looking around, they are more than 80% likely to purchase an item after seeing the product. That?s why it is important to put the product right in front of their face so the consumer is forced to take time to check out the product and decide that they need it.
Does your store use any of these marketing strategies to increase revenue and make more sales? Let us know in the comments about your experience successfully marketing at your storefront.