Student loan debt is becoming an epidemic. According to the Pew Research Center’s findings in 2017, Americans owed $1.3 trillion in student debt and at least 37 percent of adults say that they have outstanding student loans. Many American consumers devote at least 26 percent of their income to their outstanding loan debt. The overall consumer debt is expected to reach 4 trillion by the end of 2018. These statistics impact both the general public and businesses greatly. But the rise of new technology in student loan management software can make a profitable and significant difference long term for both sides.
It is reported that at least 75 percent of American workers believe that they do not have access to the latest efficiency-boosting technology. Problem with outdated software can lead to a decrease in overall productivity. With all the stress that surrounds student loans, it is important to offer a student loan management software that is up to date and makes the process easy for your employees and customers. Having a collection software that runs smoothly can impact your employee’s ability to perform at their absolute best.
Since so many of the recent college graduates are technologically savvy, it is important to provide a service that fits both them and you. A student loan management software can include features such as virtual debt resolution and negations, bill collection software, and locating debtors that haven’t been making payments. Bridging the technology gap for the younger generation experiencing their first student loan payments can make a huge difference for your company.
Another incentive for upgrading your student loan management software is that many of the new debt collection software updates come with services like a legal case tracking system, receivables management, and dynamic recovery services.
It is important when looking for an upgrade to your system and services to look for a reliable debt collection software provider. Finding one that offers training and industry insight will make the investment worth your time and money. Each business is different and has different methods that best fit their practice, but we believe updating an aging student loan management software is a decision that will take any business to the next level.