Are you having a hard time with your finances? Have your plans been compromised by your financial situation, and your dreams have had to take a back seat? Many people suffer from financial setbacks, which can accidentally crop up when you least expect it to happen. If you have specific plans and goals that warrant the availability of ready cash at your disposal, and a financial setback can put a serious kink in those plans. If your credit rating is below average, or you have recently lost a job, it might be difficult to acquire a loan from traditional lending entities. However, if you are currently receiving annuity payments from a lawsuit award or a structured settlement agreement from a lottery win, there might be an easy solution.
If you have previously been awarded a sum of money via a lawsuit award, or have won the lottery, it is likely that you are receiving your dues in the way of annuity payments or structured settlements. The way this usually works is that, instead of giving you the entire sum of money owed, your money reaches you in yearly increment which increase a little every year. These incremental payments go on till the entire amount due to you reaches you, after which the annuity is complete.
For some people, this might seem like a convenient arrangement. You receive some money every year and can manage your finances, knowing the amount of money you are yet to receive and that is coming your way the following year. However, if you are in a bad spot financially and your plans are getting help back, this kind of payment schedule is not likely to help. One way out of this situation is to opt to get immediate cash for an annuity by selling a structures settlement annuity. This way, you can sell your annuity for upfront cash, which you are likely to receive in very little time.
So, how does selling an annuity settlement work? In essence, it is a simple procedure. You find a company that purchases structured settlements and take your settlement to them. You need to understand the process of selling annuity payments to make this work, and with very little paperwork, you can get upfront cash roughly equal to what you would have eventually received had you continued with your annuity payments over time. This simple process can be a great help in certain scenarios, and if you feel the overwhelming need to have cash in hand instead of incremental payments in the future, this might be the right route to take.
A Few Good Reasons For Selling Your Annuity Payments
For starters, if you have been in debt and are currently looking for a good way to pay your due and get your credit rating repaired, selling your structured settlement can be one good way of achieving that. With the upfront cash that you get when you sell your annuity, you can systematically pay back all your debts and get the slate clean. This can be, in fact, one of the best ways to reduce debt if you are currently receiving annuity payments.
If you are thinking of starting a business and have had to put your entrepreneurial aspirations on hold due to lack of seed capital to get things off the ground, you can sell your settlement and use part or whole of the money you get to finally launch your own business. Similarly, a procedure like this can easily furnish you with the money you need to get further specialized education, which can improve your status as a potential employee and open new career doors for you. You can even use the money to purchase a vehicle, making your commutes easier, or put down the initial payment on some prime real estate in time-bound scenarios where it is important for you to get the money sooner rather than later.
If you are in any of these situations, or any other scenario where you are feeling the need for upfront cash, all it takes is finding the right company and selling your annuity payments for a quick, easy and hassle free solution to your needs.