For most of the 2012 calendar year, the American dollar had a value of 1,200 Iraqi dinars. This number has varied wildly throughout the decades, with the number being at $3.3778 in 1971 and in 1973 after the Iraqi government did not follow the devaluations that U.S. currency had. This actually represented a rise in value for the dinar, including when a 500 dinar note was issued by the government in October of 2004. From 1990 to October of 2003, the bank notes issued by the Iraqi government had a bear on them, which was an idealization of then president Saddam Hussein. Today, they look much different, just like the ever changing Iraqi dinar revalue.
The Iraqi dinar revalue is changing currently because there are new bank notes that are supposed to be issued somewhat soon, but there have been various delays in bringing new dinar to market. There is much dinar speculation that the Iraqi dinar revalue will further complicate just how valuable the dinar is to Iraqis, to Americans and to others on a more globally proportionate scale for this very reason. However, the Iraqi dinar for sale that people are wishing to unload can quickly be evaluated by a dinar banker until the new bank notes arrive.
For people who wish to buy dinar, a wait may be more strongly encouraged just until this issue has passed. The current value of the dinar is at exotic status because the country of Iraq lacks exports other than oil, which is bought and sold using the U.S. dollar. This additionally means that there is a very low value for the Iraqi dinar. Thus, people buying the dinar have more opportunities to get good prices on the currency, at least until significant changes or made within the Iraqi government or until significant worldwide events occur to make it more valuable to consumers.
So how does the Iraqi dinar revalue relate to all of this? It proves that a Iraqi dinar revalue is currently in process to figure out just how much the dinar is worth to anyone. As the government tries to figure out the Iraqi dinar revalue and how specifically it will work, people will continue to buy and sell dinar via appropriate channels. But that may all change when the government and the various banks that issue these notes come to their decisions about the new value of the Iraqi dinar.